Thanksgiving Trip
Thanksgiving this year was spent up in the Seattle area where my wife is from. It was a rather short visit this time (5 days) and I posted a few pictures of the visit, including one of the rain when we landed. Winter months are generally not very nice in the pacific northwest, but it is usually a mixture of clouds and drizzle. This was full on downpour! One of my Facebook friends commented on the picture of the rain with "So, what's your first impression of the Northwest?" I kind of chuckled at that after thinking about how many trips I have made up there. We have been married 28 years now, and have gone to visit at least once, and more often twice a year. If I guess conservatively at half the years were twice, that amounts to 42 trips to the Seattle area! I think I might need to start filing state taxes there. My wife's father continues to worry us a lot, he seems to slip a bit more each time we visit. He met us for lunch and then had...