Bad Tat Tuesday

It's been awhile since I have had a tat post, so here they come at you from all sides. Please keep your seat belt buckled and remember that your cushion can be used as a flotation device in the event of a water landing. Is this the Silver Surfer in baggies going for a dunk? It's a match made in heaven. Now if my tax dollars would only be used on sterilization... Yes please. Just go ahead and do it. Well that is certainly extreme. I don't know what scares me more, the tats or the little speedo. I think this is really good work. Just a bit too much really good work! That is really different, but pretty clean work. Wow, a chain... Yeah, he's extreme. That is really, really poor work. No, I stand corrected. THIS is really, really poor work! Those tiny hands remind me of that weird character that Kristen Wiig plays!!