Bad Tat Tuesday!

Lots of wonderful friends out there who are sending in things that they find out on those internettubes, so here is to all of you out there. Keep 'em coming! From Cindy, a very nice usage of the belly button. From Shelleigh, this man is trying to get everything he loves all into one tat. try again... From Mjenks, just a whole lot to love about this piece of... whatever this is. Ideas? This whole series from the CHIVE was sent to me by none other than one of our favorite bloggers, The Veggie Assassin! Mmmm, sweet sweet sundae. He needs to add some felt to the antlers. They're all cute and cuddly until someone looses a finger! Perfect for those formal occasions. So clever. Wouldn't your arm get tired? Everything is better with bacon! Even bad tats. Rawr indeed! Hat tip to the ladies canvas! One question. Where is this tat located? That is just disturbing. Goo...