Bad Tat Tuesday!

Hey boys and girls! I have had some nice tats come my way so I thought it was about time to share. Break out the eye bleach, keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times. And remember, no wagering! First up from my friend Cindy: This is actually very nice work! I just don't know who wants to go through the rest of their life with this. Next up, from my buddy Scotland comes a girl who will never, ever, get a job: This one was a submission from Awkward Family Photos. I don't think it is actually a tat, but maybe a temp drawing. Because once that baby is squeezed out, then what are you left with? This one was from giant robot, and satisfies this weeks need for geek. I present to you the Flux Capacitor! And last but not least, a dick sucker. Not just any dick sucker, but the #1 dick sucka!