More Bad Tats!

Sorry for my absence in this little corner of the internet (insert standard disclaimer about how busy/lazy/ADD I have been). Lots of folks have been so kind to send me tats and I really appreciate them all. If you don't see yours appear, it doesn't mean that I don't like it. It just means that I have used it in past postings. Either that or I lost it in my complex storage system that uses a form of the replicator found in the Star Trek TV series. I am going with the former... Without further ado, here is an entry sent by our good friend Cindy! Momma always did love her pistol. These were sent to me by Bill on Facebook. Psycho Bitch who will never ever have a job... Everybody always wants to lick the Chewy. I found this one earlier today from one of the sites I follow. It was called "The world's worst tramp stamp". I think I may have to agree... And last is a link to some tats that good friend and frequent contributor, Scop...