More randomness while I try and decompress from having family visit while work fell apart

Last week was pretty bad, let's hope that this one is a tad better.

For some reason this cracks me up!

Smokey goes postal.

I is smart.

Not a single ounce of fuck has been given.

Been there...

Nicely done.

Another that made me snort!


  1. I'm swiping the heterosapian photo.

  2. It's Monday morning over here, this post made that fact easier to deal with :). Heterosapien, bhahahaha...

    1. I hope you are doing well Annika!

  3. OH needed this for a Monday post. Had 2 of our 3 cars go out this weekend. And the one left is 26 years old! Oh oh oooohhhhhh it is a Monday for time for me to get my ass in gear!

  4. Awesome, I loved the "i left the fucks I don't give over there" one. I'm stealing it and will probably use it on my boss tomorrow.

    1. feel free to steal anything that I have already stolen Yvonne!

  5. The Shady Bunch. Nice! *snicker*

  6. Well a week late but hey, I got there! Hope this past week was better for you, Sir. In fact, I hope it was SPLENDID. And if not, full of booze and the not giving of fucks. :)


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