Bowel Prep

Is there another term in the medical world that sounds more benign than that, but causes more people to break out in sweat?   

I am half way though what is called the "gallon" prep for a colonoscopy tomorrow. Ah the joys of getting older...

That's right, tomorrow I get to go have a doctor exam my from the ground up, and provide my wife with a certified document stating that in fact, no, my head is not up my ass.


  1. That is by far the worst part of the colonoscopy. I had to tell myself they'd kill my kids if I didn't drink it. Only way I could choke it down. But I think next time they may indeed find my head up my ass. Won't my husband be pleased??

  2. Drink it. Drink it all you filthy whore.

  3. I'm old. Still, not jealous of what you're up to. Never done that.

  4. You have my sympathies. My hubby says he can relate. I also used this as a reminder to him that he is overdue in getting his certification that his head isn't up his ass!

  5. You have my sympathies. My hubby says he can relate. I also used this as a reminder to him that he is overdue in getting his certification that his head isn't up his ass!

  6. And you have time to write this post? I'm impressed!

  7. Thanks everyone, I seem to have survived it. I am wiping my bum with a powder puff now, but have survived...

  8. Ah dude, the indignity of having a foreign object shoved up your cornhole. I'm glad you survived and yay, you're taking care of your health.

    You'd think they'd at least have bought you dinner first, though...

    1. I was pretty high on the wonderful drugs, but I am almost certain the doctor was kissing me on the back of the neck. I feel so, so, dirty...

  9. Are you sure that guy was really a doctor, and this wasn't some hobo running a scan scam?

  10. I was gonna go with the they could have bought you dinner first....great minds.

    Bravo! you survived, and lived to tell the story.

  11. nice work, you survived and lived to tell the story.

  12. Oh poor Chris. Hope everything comes out ok. he he.

  13. This all just makes me wonder what sort of person has the ambition to be a butt doctor. I mean, really.


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