I may start up a new series

I was thinking with all of the crazy tattoo pics that a friend of mine sends me, I might start a new series. Kind of like tattoo of the week. Check out this wonderful piece of work, Atlas holding up the weight of the world...

What do you all think?


  1. That's funny! Show me more!

  2. OMG HOW DID THIS GET ON THE INTERNETS? WHO SENT YOU THIS? I was drunk, okay??? At least it's not a tasmanian devil!

  3. OK Chris, away we go!

    Falwless: I know that isn't you. You would never hide your nip!

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    You know, someone should have told her a bra would have been the better choice for that job.

  5. you stole this from Nobody, didn't you? He had the same picture up making us all sick.

  6. Bubs: You and me both brother.

    Kirby: Literal support instead of support of the arts?

    Teri: Honest, I didn't! I always give credit where credit is due.

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I think it's creative, but agree that a bra would have done a better job. At first I thought that was jebus holding up her tata.

  8. That's pretty funny. But that must have hurt like hell.

  9. No problem finding IdaHO in that Atlas.

  10. I'm all for a Bad Tat o' the Week segment!! Keep 'em rollin!

  11. 1. Very inventive but I bet it hurt like hell.
    2. Bad Tat of the Week? Great idea.

  12. God that freaks me out.

  13. Anonymous1:28 PM

    yeah, thats not Falwless, he boobs are much bigger and she would show it all.


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