Short update on life

We were scheduled to tour the local NBC affiliate, 9News this morning. Skyler was really excited, he has been on the tour before, but always wants to go back. Then the tour had to be rescheduled because the morning sports anchor, Susie had a scheduling change. We will get there, just a different day. Skyler was really bummed out, so we all went out to breakfast this morning for extremely greasy eggs, sausage, hash browns... everything! I am sitting here with my stomach grumbling and my arteries thickening as I type this. We are in a big fight with the program that Skyler was attending to be able to take a college course, we kept asking all summer for meetings and asking are you set up and ready? They said yeah, yeah, we got it all under control. Well now that it has started, guess what? He has a lot of needs, doesn't he? We don't have a place to change him, the bus doesn't have tie downs for his chair, on and on... We are pissed, but also so damn tired of fighting th...