What I Laugh At While Driving Around

I mean when I am not laughing at how stupid some of the conservative response to the passing of the health bill is...

What I am talking about is the wonderful radio advertisements for the Duluth Trading Company. This is a company that makes, among other things, work clothing. Work clothing that makes those old Sears "Toughskin Jeans" seem like chiffon...

Their website has all the links to their TV and radio spots, but I think the radio ads are just funny as hell. Here are my favorites:

Or maybe this is just because I love guy humor?


  1. Ha ha. Those Fire Hose Work Pants sound really, uh, attractive.

  2. Funny!

    Thanks for the health care comment!!

  3. BALLROOM JEANS! *snicker*

  4. "Against code!" My builder husband will love that one. We love their catalog!!!

  5. Hilarious.

    You know, to be honest, there is so much confusion about what the health care bill says and doesn't say, I can understand why people are assuming. So far, all I have heard are complaints from the financially secure and small business owners, so that's what I commented on in my last post.

    It's good to see you're still doing well!!!

    Crys @ http://socalcrys.blogspot.com

    Word Verification
    (moose + horse^3 = morses

  6. Ballroom jeans aren't as awesome as pajama jeans.

  7. BeckEye, trust me, when you have to go "Johnny Bench", ball room jeans are more awesome than Yanni & Kenny G. in an knife fight. Plus a MONKEY!

  8. Old Dog buys all his clothes from Duluth Trading Company or the Sportsman's Guide (where I used to work). He's going to love these radio spots!

  9. Thanks for the comments everyone! And Scope... I am so stealing that line!

  10. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I have no idea why I get these catalogues, and I always wondered WTF. Most trade guys I know are too frugal to spend that kind of money on work clothes, so I always figured it was a catalogue for doctors or accountants who wanted to look like they knew their ass from a chamfer bit.

  11. I think Scope should write slogans for Duluth Trading.

  12. In the interest of full disclosure< I stole the Yanni/Kenny G. line from "South Park" Just added the knife and the monkey.


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