Dedicated to Bubs over at Sprawling Ramshackle Compound who regularly feature clowns, usually of the freaky variety. I have been collecting a few winners in your honor sir! Go check out Bubs if you don't already read him, he is maaaavolous. My favorite, because I love me some Guinness! I think I choose drugs please. Childhood trauma can never start too soon. Why wait for them to grow up a bit before the trauma begins? I will see this in my nightmares tonight! Proof of trauma. Bi polar clownage Lets not pick him up, he looks creepy. Oh wait! It's OK, he's a clown! Get your teeth fixed clown. I will never, ever, be able to get this image out of my head. So I am passing it along to you! More bad clown teeth! I like the Polaroid effect of these two, it makes it seem more seedy. What the hell is with the bad clown teeth!?? Since Bubs in in law enforcement, I thought he might appreciate this one. Hilarity is coming! Well, I guess clowns need love too...