Bad Tat Tuesday: It's 2011 bitches!

A whole new year and a whole bunch more bad ink for you all to try and digest out there! What could be a better way for you to start the year, I mean other than a negative result on that blood test after waking up next to that androgynous looking naked person with the bad hygiene and their smell coming out of all of your pores...

First up are 3 lovely pieces of work from Lilly, who is becoming a regular contributor to this little corner of the world. Thanks so much Lilly!

I think Lilly just likes this guys butt...

Don't get all mathy on us.

Hard to pick him out of a lineup officer, there weren't really any distinguishing markings.

Next up, are a series of knuckle tats that are guaranteed to make you go ouch, as well as put you off solid food for awhile.

Yeah, if hugs from thugs are your thing.

Play on words?

Hey!  I have a beard!  Maybe it's a match made in heaven?

Tough choice.

That is just a bit random.

And we have a winner for crazy look of the new year.

Was 718 her locker number?

I bet it did.

And finally, here is an example of a good job of covering up one of these unfortunate mistakes:


  1. I wonder how often people ask the "Your next" guy, "My next?" That's what I'd ask him.

  2. Yeah, sometimes spell check fails.

  3. Yeah I love when tattoos are grammatically terrible. It tells me all I need to know.

    Plus I never will understand face tattoos. WHY? When you have five million wrinkles won't those look a little....warped?

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  4. What the hell is that on the naked guy? A mangled Slinkee? Or the Tazmanian Devil?


  5. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Diet Coke?!!? What a pussy.

    Oh, and covering up a bad tattoo with an even worse tattoo? There's a genius move.

  6. What kind of idiot gets his whole face tatted up anyway? Figures that he's also not smart enough to get away with his crimes...

    been reading a while - updating now & adding you to my blogroll.

  7. I'm sorry. I couldn't stop looking at that guy's butt. Was there anything after that?

  8. The only thing I understand less than the finger tats are face tats.

  9. 718 is the area code in Brooklyn, maybe he's from there..?

  10. I'd put 'Diet Pepsi' on my knuckles, except one thumb would be naked, and I just can't have that.

    And the guy with the face tats shoulda thought twice about it before starting his criminal career. EPIC fail!

  11. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Diet Coke? Free Hugs? I'm shakin' in my boots here. Those are some pretty scary tats!- G

  12. My rule of thumb, and advice to anyone who will listen, is you should never have a tattoo that you can't cover for work. That means knuckle and face tattoos are out.

  13. Yo, nothin' says straight-up thug like Diet Coke, charm bracelet icons or Pac Man knuckle ink.


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