Dog Escape Artist

You have got to check out this pooch breaking out of a kennel. He is like a little 4 legged Harry Houdini!

Amazing Dog Escapes from Kennel - Watch more free videos


  1. that is amazing.....the little guy is so smart.....he should be trained as stunt dog for the movies....I wonder what they other dogs were thinking.....and hope the escapee sisn't hurt herself

  2. should have been didn't not sisn't sorry

  3. That was amazing. The best part is look on the two non-houdini loser dogs' faces.

  4. Cheer: I don't mark off for "spellin misteaks"...

    Jon: Hiya, thanks for dropping by!

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I wish I would've seen that video as a teen.

  6. Suze: I need to talk to your parents. I bet you escaped more than Steve McQueen.

  7. "No f*cking jail can hold me Copper!" (maniacal laughter ensues)

    That was great! Where do you stumble across this stuff anyway?

    You can tell that the owners tried to remedy the problem of the dog getting out. You can see the siding they hung over the top of the door to keep him from going out that way.

    Always a pleasure.


  8. That is hilarious and ingenious.

  9. Nice stem moves, and he rapped without a harness and everything!

  10. It's been ages since I cheered for a dog. That was pretty cool.


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