Nora o'Sullivan needs your vote!

You all know Bubs, right? Well if you don't you should! His daughter needs our votes to help win the Fangoria Spooksmodel contest.

Vote for Nora here!

What the hell are you doing still reading? Go vote!!


  1. I don't know who she is or what it is about... but I trust your judgment.. off to vote

  2. THANK YOU! Nora is in a pretty solid third place right now with just under 1,100 votes.

    She just needs to hang on to one of those top spots until midnight Sunday so she can go to the finals.

    Vote early and often!

  3. I love voting for any Bubs related items and have been. Go Nora!

  4. i voted early and often

    and i hope the chicago contingent hits the cemetery

  5. I'm going, I'm going! Sheesh...

  6. I'm going to the li'berry to use each and every one of their PC's so there's a different URL code!! (hey, I'm just following directions to "vote often!")

  7. I did it. Who's Bubs?

  8. thanks everybody! Bubs is the fine blogger from Sprawling Ramshackle Compound. Check him out, he is a great guy, and obviously a superior father!

  9. I don't know who Bubs is, but I went over and voted anyways.

  10. She's cute me likey!


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