The Big Wicked Online Pageant!!

Everyone's favorite blogger of all things pop culture, The Pop Eye, is hosting The Big Wicked Online Pageant to celebrate all of our costumed glory days!!

I decided to get going early with one of my favorite costumes that my mom made in the days of Sky-Dad's youth, the monster.  My mom rocked at costumes, she was excellent at both ideas and execution.

Check out my bad 9 year old self:


  1. hahahahahahahaha.
    Loooooove your mom.

  2. That is quite awesome. :)

  3. At first, I thought it was just picture day at school.

  4. Love it! Your mom rocked!

    At 12 y.o., I had a full-length leg cast and went trick-or-treating as a wheelchair-bound accident victim, with bandaged bloody face and everything. Alas, no one had a camera.

    I got a LOT of candy that year.

  5. That is freaky-good!! I posted some shots today, and didn't know about the pageant. Now I'll have to find more.

  6. Hahahaha...that's hilarious! I tip my hat to you, Pageant Entrant #1.

  7. AWESOME!!!! My mom and your mom would have been best friends, I can tell!

  8. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Nice. My mom used to sew all the time, but oddly enough she never sewed our Halloween costumes. We were stuck with those cheap ass costumes in the box with the plastic masks that cut your tongue to ribbons.

  9. That is awesome! Very creative! As much as my kids appreciate my crafting abilities... they really do, I'm not being sarcastic!... they always want to buy their costumes or try to fit into the one they had the year before. I guess this means they're cutting me a break, but sometimes I wish they'd let me choose!

  10. that is excellent! My mom didn't have a creative bone in her body, I always got those plastic masks that you couldn't see or breathe through.

  11. Ha! I think I dated the 19-year old version of this costume in college.


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