Bad Tat Tuesday: Yeah, so I've had a lot going on...

It has been a bit hectic between holidays, a trip to Nevada for an air show, and trying to stay caught up with work. I didn't even realize it was Tuesday until I looked at a conference call reminder! What the hell? This week has already been about 5 days long it seems... But I have been remiss in bring you your dosage of bad ink, so away we go! These portraits always turn out so well, don't they? Something to aspire to I guess. Is that the Pillsbury Dough Boy? And on a Crescent roll?? At first I thought this was nasty, but that is just my twisted brain. It still is a bit off to me. Nothing says "I am your next middle manager" in a job interview like stick figure neck porn. What can he say? He's a fan of outlets. I am just a little curious about the need to document the date. And why with just a slip of paper instead of a newspaper like a ransom demand?