Always check your kids homework

The assignment was to draw a picture of what mommy does for work...

Mommy actually works at Home Depot, she was selling a shovel.


  1. HA HA HA HA!!!! You've got me crying-laughing here! I love it! Hee hee hee. I'm so glad I stopped by! :-)

  2. This is hilarious XD

  3. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Um yeah, that's mommy's story and she's sticking to it.

  4. Do you know that I didn't get what was funny about this until hours later? I thought, okay, it's a big shovel. Now I'm laughing and looking for my wallet.

  5. That is brilliant. If mommy IS a stripper, she is also a very fast thinker...

  6. HaHaHaHa..
    giggle... haha ..snarf..
    can't... stop... laughing...


    ok, this is awesome. Made my day. :)


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