Anyone remember the days of TV theme songs and Intros?

While sitting around having a few brews a bunch of us were looking at a TV in the bar, and it switched from one show to the other. One of the folks mentioned that it has become so common place these days to just go from one program to the other, usually with the credits rolling on the side as the next show starts. This spawned a whole discussion of TV theme songs, and how all of the shows used to have them. There was always a great theme song, and an opening montage of sorts. So we were all calling out our favorite ones, and a lot of classics were mentioned. I said my favorite was the old opening to Hawaii Five O, great classic song and the pipeline running in the background: Some others mentioned: Sanford and Son - Great bass lines... MASH - few people know the theme song was about suicide, because you never heard the words except for in the original movie. Magnum PI - Thomas Magnum pealing out in the Ferrari, best eyebrow wiggle on TV. Rockford files - Great show! Mod Squad - Runni...