Finally, a clock with the proper amount of respect!

You really need to go to:
and check out this clock. Click on the Downloads tab and have yourself a good time!

My favorite is "Come come sir. Let us not be defeated. Let seize the day and take it roughly from behind. As the Colonel used to say in his unfortunate manner"

I must have one of these clocks!


  1. That is so weird - he sounds exactly like my real butler!

  2. Just one of your many staff members Grant?

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I love this as well.

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    and a "good morning madam" one is coming in July. WOOHOOO!!!!!

  5. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I dunno-- I'm not sure I WANT someone talking to me THAT early in the AM...

  6. Teri: Equal opportunity sucking up, don't you love it?

    BO: He wakes you up a lot nicer than the buzz of the alarm!

  7. Anonymous2:12 PM

    They are coming out with one for the ladies, but it will feature Fran Drescher's voice.

  8. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Spooney - bite your tongue!

  9. Spooney: Ha ha ha!

    Teri: Well, it would wake you up!

  10. Years ago, I had a device that turned my home phone ring into a recorded voice. My favorite was the butler. Instead of ringing, a British voice would say "Pardon me, but your telephone appears to be ringing."

    I loved it.

  11. Vikki: That sounds like a lot of fun! I used to have answering machine tapes with celebrity voices on them, my favorite was Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry talking about how this was the Panasonic model ex300, the most powerful answering machine in the world...


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