Outrageous or clever?

"The information superhighway has become the mean streets of cyburbia. It's just gotten steadily worse. If cocktail parties were like the Internet, half the people would come home every night dripping wet from glasses of Chardonnay tossed in their faces. There are two ways to get famous in cyberspace: Say something clever and memorable, or say something outrageous. And unfortunately, it's a lot easier to be outrageous than clever and memorable."

-- Futurist Paul Saffo on the decline of civil discourse online


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The choice between outrageousness or cleverness didn't just magically present itself with teh internets. That happened when the first cave man to capture fire was upstaged by the first caveman to light his own farts.

  2. Kirby, you are brilliant!

  3. I find everything you write to be clever and memorable.

  4. Such high praise grant, do I owe you money?

  5. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "I found I could give myself an enema by using the 'massage' feature of my hand-held shower massager and blow about 3 cups of water up my ass. It's also useful for washing the turds down the drain, though some don't fit well and must be squooshed underfoot to fit thru the little holes."

    There. Now I want attention.


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