Random Finds


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I'll accept that red wine challenge.

  2. So, by volume, my dead cells are smarter than a T-Rex?

  3. you find the most interesting tidbits

  4. Princess Bride is amongst my list of "Top Two Movies Ever." (I don't know what the other movie is yet. I'll know it when I see it.)

  5. Kirby, I bet you can handle a couple of beakers.

    Bubs: It's why they had those short little front arms.

    Cheer: like I always say, I am here to educate as well as entertain.

    Chris: I agree about Princess Bride! He's not completely dead, just mostly dead...

  6. "Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!" That and "Twooo wuv"kill me every time. Oh! And "Stop that rhyming this minute!" followed by, "anyone want a peanut?"

  7. I still love the Princess Bride. That reminds me that it's time to make my kids watch it again... :)

  8. Watch out for those ROUS, too. Rodents of Unusual Size. Kinda like the Nutria we have around here.

  9. Next time I go to a function where I have to wear a nametag, I going with the Inigo Montoya quote and see who gets it.

  10. Chris: There are so many great lines in that movie!

    Mom: Strap them down and force them if you have to.

    Leonesse: I forgot about that, I have to go watch it again.

    Dave: That is such a great idea, I am going to steal it!

  11. y'all just krakk mee upp!! That's what makes you so kewl...

  12. That name badge is grrrrreat.

  13. I need to buy that cup.


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