The bar has been raised over at the Onion

My buddy Tim sent this to me, and I couldn't agree more with him that "The last statement in the video is the best". I also love the dude who would buy anything from Apple.

Check it out

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard


  1. Bwahahahaha!! Love it. I like the sentences that you can choose from about aardvarks.

    How do I get a job at the Onion?

  2. Anonymous2:47 PM

    This was hysterical. I love how it is unbreakable "unless dropped or hit". ROTFLMAO!!

  3. Sorry. Can't see the appeal. And I like that last statement a lot, also.

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    everything is just a few hundred clicks away!!

    techno geek girly loves it!!

  5. I dunno, it just looks more complicated to me. I'm a tech wuss though (as indicated by my paltry 12% tech score on the nerd test!!). But that last line was priceless!

  6. LMAO this was great.. it can stay charged 19 minutes before needing to be charged and only $10,000 for the best one.. Sign me UP!

    OH I did my tag thingie today. Thanks again!

  7. but the IMPORTANT quesion is still this: do I STILL have to go to a licensed Apple dealer to buy their product OR can I get it at BestBuy? Wallie-World doens't carry their PC's, I've noticed!!

  8. Oh my God, that's hilarious.

    I'm a PC!!!

  9. HAHAHAHA!! I love the anchor's "news tone" when reporting. And the tag at the end about the Sudoku killer!
    Great stuff!

  10. "...Actual work and not just dicking around..." Priceless. Literally priceless, because the video was free.

  11. Bwahahahahaha!

    That is effing hilarious! Seriously, I'm still laughing, a good five minutes later!

    Heck, I'll probably be chuckling about this for days. Probably start laughing in the middle of my court hearing tomorrow and everyone will look at me and wonder why and I won't be able to explain, really, but won't be able to stop laughing either!

    (So, when my career crumbles, I'll know who to blame...)

  12. I just bought one of those. Love it.

  13. Excellent from start to finish, just like the comments.

  14. ya know the strange thing is I just discovered this video yesterday on another website. And i stop by your site and see it again .. hilarious


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