He was in my spot...

My buddy Micheal, another gym rat friend from the mornings, sent this to me. I cannot stop laughing!


  1. Okay, I just sent that on to a friend of mine on the POlice force.

    That's funny!

  2. chris had the right idea -- so i followed his

  3. And that right there is why I never try to get a close parking spot. Too much pressure and craziness. I will take the farthest one out at the end of the parking lot and hike two miles to the store. And I will enjoy the walk on the way too! ;-)

  4. How sad is it that there are actually people like that out there?

    Oh, I'm sorry did I say "sad"?

    I meant FUNNY...how FUNNY is it.

  5. She is my roll model. I'm kind of bouncing around in blogland and landed here - glad I did.
    Luckily I have a map.

  6. She makes perfect sense to me....why would he take her parking spot? hahahahaha lol

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Girlfriend had a point. He took her spot. What else could she do?


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