Bullshit Bingo

Kristi and Zed have both had posts recently about corporate gibberish, buzzwords, and phrases that make you want to reach down the speakers throat and show them their still-beating heart to them before they die!

OK, so I got carried away, but they both had posts like the following cartoon from the always right on Scott Adams.


  1. Dilbert humor is so painfully funny, like watching The Office.

  2. Got to love it! My favorite is:
    Just run it up a flagpole and see who salutes. Classic! Hatefully classic!

  3. Eaaak, I understood most of that.

  4. GKL: He knows exactly what goes on in cubeville.

    Zed: Makes you cringe, doesn't it?

    Raven: There still might be hope for you... I find that alcohol helps!

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    My least favorite term is "due diligence" people tend to over-use that term in my office, and most them probably don't even know what it means.

  6. great scott! I just felt my paradygm shift!!

  7. I hear you on that Slinger! And by that they mean get it over with fast so they can go ahead with whatever plan they had in the first place.

    HL: Try not to throw out your back when you shift that thing!

  8. There was a commercial on tv today with people at a conference playing "buzzword bingo." You'll identify with it.

    It's funny, because every field has its own buzzwords-- education, the restaurant business. Every field seems to be filled with middle managers struggling to find a reason for their existences, and striving to find the words that will give them those reasons.


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