There isn't a punishment that is harsh enough

Except perhaps feeding him to his own dogs...


  1. I think I could hate this guy.

  2. What a fucking sicko. Lock him up before he moves up to feeding little kids to his dogs...and I don't doubt that's his next step.

  3. Jackass. Total and complete jackass.

  4. Yet another Atlanta area creep. Isn't that horrific???? No punishment strong enough, unfortunately.

  5. I always feel that people who can be this cruel to animals is on their way to becoming a serial killer.

  6. I agree all, he is sick, sick, sick!

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I hope he gets life in prison, with constant ass rapings.

    He should be fed to the wolves, so he can feel what it's like to die by being torn apart.

  8. I like that idea Spooney, first the ass rapings, then fed to the wolves.

  9. you know, some people just LOOK like sadistic freaks. Now we have a poster child.

  10. tie him up, rip off his pants and cover his balls with gravy and Alpo. Don't feed his dogs all day and then turn 'em loose.


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