Watch 20/20 tonight!

{Edited after the interview}

Damn! I am really pissed about how the interview turned out! Two hours of talking to Jenni, and she was reduced to a couple of answers to interview questions. And, no mention of her book! Come on, help a girl out!

But, we get 5 promos that the presidents little drunken girl Jenna has written a book...


{end rant}

Tonight is the interview of our friend and music therapist Jenni! Here is her email note to us:

Hello All,

This is an almost famous, less than fifteen minutes of fame announcement.....

On Friday, September 21, I will be on 20/20. I was interviewed back in August for a show they are doing on "Difficult Decisions". They found me because of my book, and interviewed me as a part of a segment on the difficult decision to participate in homosexual reparative therapy.

After my interview, Steve agreed to be interviewed as well. They came to Denver for his interview and interviewed the two of us together for a short time. The producer gave us a great compliment after the interview.

She said, "You have the same good energy for the topic even when you don't agree". I will be seeing it for the first time on Friday also, so I have no idea what will be pulled together for the final product.

The best part for me was being flown to New York City for the interview. I wore a t-shirt that said "Big Star" while on the plane, but nobody asked. I fell in love with NYC--especially the door men. I want a door man for Christmas.

I am just so thankful for the opportunity to slowly but surely keep getting the word out on the turmoil that the secrecy of living in a gay/straight marriage causes. If you feel compelled, please watch, and if you think anyone would be interested, pass it on!

All Best,

Jenni Lee (soon to be Barker--using the name now as a counselor)


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