How much bad news does a family need?

I have a friend that works out in the mornings with the rest of our little gang of folks who has a daughter that has CP. Bree isn't as involved as Skyler is, but requires a lot of help with things, and needs a lot of attention.

Her other daughter that is older just got out of a nasty marriage, where she was abused among other things, and she is living back at home trying to get back on her feet.

Her husband has been diagnosed with Cancer of the esophagus, and has gone through several rounds of Chemo and radiation. He went in for surgery yesterday to take out his esophagus, and tie a log piece of his stomach up to his throat in an attempt to enable him to swallow again. It is a high-risk surgery, and has only about a 50/50 success rate. He was scheduled for 6 to 8 hours, so when the doctor came out after only 30 minutes, she knew something was wrong.

Despite all the radiation and chemo, he has cancer throughout his abdomen and liver. It is everywhere they said and they were closing him back up.

So he is coming home with a tube to give him pain meds through, and to make all of his final plans.

I tell you, sometimes life just hits you with a roundhouse blow.


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    For the past couple of years our family has what seems to be plagued with bad medical luck. At times I felt like yelling "Enough - please". Life does, at times, suck.

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    That just sucks. It really does.

  3. sometimes it takes someone else's misery to make us realize how good things are ... but who does that someone else look to in order to make their misery better ...

  4. that's so sad

  5. We went through the same thing with my father-in-law. Let the family know there are people out there praying for them.

  6. UUgggh. positive energy and prayers are being sent.

  7. I thank god every day that my kids are okay, and that my family is well. And after reading that post, I am going to do it for a second time today.

  8. I'm inclined to say something like "but smile, god loves you!"

    but that would be pointless and mean, wouldn't it??

  9. I know what that's like. Today, at Starbucks, I ordered a caramel macchiato, and they gave me a vanilla latte! Life is pain, pure and simple.

    I hope they win the lottery to make up for all this.

  10. Anonymous8:42 AM

    my father died of the same cancer last year, but he never had the surgery. It is horrible. I wish this country would spend more money on cancer cures.

  11. How heartbreaking. The family is in my prayers.

  12. Thanks for all of your comments. It is nice to know there are so many good people like you out there that care.

  13. My God, that's awful. I pray he finds peace.


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