It's downright palatial!

We visited the New Children's Hospital this week to meet the spine specialist that will be part of the team of doctors to operate on Skyler in November. The hospital has just moved to it's new facility that is all brand spanking new, joining the University of Colorado hospital and research center. Later, some other facilities will also be relocating to join these two.
This is the former site of the Fitzimmons Army hospital that has slowly been phased out of existence over the years. There is a VA hospital that has since been built on another location, but Fitzimmons was an entire base. So they have a lot of space to use, and use it they are!
We checked in at the front desk to find out where our doctor was located, and received our "frequent flyer" id cards instead of a visitor badge. We get ID's that look like the rest of the staff, that tells me we spend just a bit too much time at the hospital, don't you think?

Then a volunteer takes us to the right area to make sure we don't get lost. I would have preferred a map, but we were early so it didn't matter that we followed the slow paced gal who was just giddy about being able to help us all.
But I don't want to give the impression that it is a chore to get around, it really is a great place. Just new with some kinks to work out.
The good things about this place are many, starting with the parking lot. The old place had a parking structure that was horrendous! Way too few spots, narrow, a complete pain in the butt. This is vast, lots of room, and a ton of handicapped spaces all lined up under cover. How cool is that?

The lobby has a Peaberry's Coffee in it, and an ice cream bar... Mmmmmm.
This is a beautiful place and we are lucky to have a world class facility to have Skyler in when he has his surgery. For more cool factoids, visit these sites:
Main site
about hosital
I've spent a little time at both the inpatient and outpatient pavilions for my job. It is indeed a beautiful facility. Best of luck next month.
ReplyDeletePS: I'm volunteering GKL to make us lunch in her new kitchen!
Thanks SV! I have to get up there and see the new digs, I don't require much for lunch. Just beer...
ReplyDeleteI'm not the praying type, but I'll make an exception in your case next month. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteBut dude, Peaberry's? I'd hate to see the names that coffee company rejected. Dingleballs? Leavin' Squeezins? Eeeew.
Beds for the parent's? How cool is that?! I would feel much better about a hospital knowing they are caring for the entire family!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are in my prayers!
Yes, lunch anytime in the new kitchen because we have a new plasma too.
ReplyDeleteAs for the hospital, I hope they get the Altitude channel for you. ;)
Man, that's nicer than my own newly-renovated home. Damned sick people. They have it so nice...
ReplyDeleteKirby: We will take all the positive vibes we can get, thanks! And I also found a Caribou coffee across the street!
ReplyDeleteRaven: It is certainly a step up from the old place, and thanks for your thoughts.
GKL: I already have my request in for the Altitude channel, but they seem to think a childrens place needs lots of cartoons...
JY: I am thinking of checking in there for awhile, can you recommend a good childhood disease I could come up with?
ReplyDeleteI suspect you have what I have-- a general failure to grow up. I'm told by my wife that most men suffer from it.
sounds like a great place. they make you feel like you're at home rather than in a hospital.
ReplyDeleteJY: Oooo, yeah that's it!
ReplyDeleteTeri: They have always had good people, now they have a great facility!
It looks so futuristic. Like people hover a few inches off the ground instead of walking.
ReplyDeleteGrant: Lot's of Jetson type stuff, cars that fold into briefcases are the norm.
ReplyDeleteThat room is nicer than any motel I've ever stayed in. Or even my house.
ReplyDeleteUm, between you and me, I hear it's nicer than even Doctor Mom's house. Oh sure, she wants you to think she lives upper class, but Teri told me it's a double-wide. It's sad when one makes themselves out to be something they're not...
ReplyDelete... I mean, if you have to fabricate your life to make it more interesting than it is, well you've got some serious issues you better deal with...