Mike Leonards story from Today Show

One of the things I like best about Mike Leonard is the way he conveys a story through lots of imagery. He has run a series on the Today show about his family, and they took a trip together around America.

Here is the end of the series, and about how he got started. Take a moment to watch.

The kindness of strangers
The kindness of strangers


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Hmmm, I feel a post coming on.

  2. Cool Kirby, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  3. That was beautiful. He has a special way of viewing the importance of little things in life. Turns out that little things always lead to the big things. Funny how that works ...

    That video made me cry. Dang, I hate that! :)

  4. Zed, I cry at the drop of a hat, my emotions are always running near the surface.

  5. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Skydad, that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Thank-you for posting it. More indications to me that the world is not random, and that there is purpose to our lives.

    And your emotions close to the surface - it is a gift, even though it hurts sometimes.

    Be well.


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