Odd, odd advertisement

I had no clue where they were going with this.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Yeah, that's a little weird.

  2. That is the most F*CKED UP thing I have EVER seen.

    But it does remind me of an old George Carlin Joke. (As a news anchor reading the news) A 96 year old woman in New York is pregnant. Doctors say that because of her advanced age, she will have an adult.


  3. that is hilarious!!! i love dudes toes!!

  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Creepy but hilarious.

  5. Wow, that was about the WEIRDEST goddamned thing I've ever seen, and that's SAYING something.

    At least the baby didn't have fillings.

  6. That happened to a friend of mine once. The not knowing where they were going with it thing. Horrifying!


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