Lots-o-race days!
The past few weekends have been active ones for the clan Sky-Dad. Two bike rides and a run sandwiched in between and I am still standing. Who would have thunk it? First off I did the Wacky W 32 mile ride that started down in the south part of the Denver Metro area. I thought it would be fairly flat, but boy was I wrong! Three huge climbs in this one made it a real bitch! Kathy and Skyler drove down to see me finish and take in the expo. Skyler wasn't happy about coming down, oh well... Then the following weekend we all ran in the Fans on the Field race. We have done this race every year, and really enjoy it. It is for a great cause, the National Sports Center for the Disabled. Skyler skis in their sit-ski program. There is a 5K and a 10K, we have opted for the 5K the last couple of years because he is getting too heavy to push over long distances! You start and end inside Mile High stadium! Yay cheerleaders! Skyler thinks Miles the mascot