
Showing posts from December, 2009

New Years Eve, Sky-Dad Style UPDATED!!

Kathy, Skyler and I will be running the Resolution Run this evening. It is a great run that has been going on for 25 years now, going around through Wash Park south of downtown Denver. It used to be held right in downtown Denver, and started just before midnight so you brought in the New Year on the road during the race. But the cold weather at midnight combined with the attacks by the hobos kind of put a damper on the run, so they moved it to 6PM and in the park. We will be decorating Skylers chair with glo-sticks, I will make sure and take pictures to share with you all! Just back from the race, and it was a great time. There was a very large crowd, and everyone was having fun. The course was mostly dry, but there were patches of ice that were pretty nasty, and our friend Lauri went down pretty hard! The glo-sticks were a big disappointment, due to the cold they didn't light up well at all. Some of the runners wore Christmas lights of sorts that were battery powered. After t

Just Call Me Award Winner!

My good buddy Scope is throwing out awards over at his place like chum of the back of the boat in Jaws! He is doing some pretty fancy graphics-type-thingys that go along with them also (go ahead and look up graphics-type-thingy while I wait, I sometimes confuse the masses with my tech talk). Take a gander at this wonderful piece of workmanship, ain't it the best? I am also honored to share it with Moooooog35 of Mental Poo !! I always get a kick out of his comments. To prove that Scope is awarding this to the right person, ladies and gentlemen, I give to you The Oral Sex Light! For that partner who needs to actually see what is right in front of them.

Quite the Christmas

It has been a memorable Christmas around the fam damnly this year. We started off with a nice lunch with my sister and brother in law in lieu of a present exchange. That was great! We are starting a new tradition. It was just the 3 of us hanging out for Christmas, and then Skyler started getting sick. Some sort of stomach bug invaded the house, complete with projectile vomit (Skyler and Kathy) with a special guest appearance by explosive diarrhea for me. Skyler recovered quickly, Kathy and I not so much... We are still taking turns in the bathroom, and trying to tend to Skyler, who doesn't think sick parents should affect him this much! Lots of great gifts this year. Skyler got lots of great stuff, but his favorite was a new tape from Aunt Karen and Uncle Steven of the news folks from up in Seattle! Our former Physical Therapist, Ilene, who live back in Philly sent Kathy and Skyler wait for it... Snuggies!!! Wheeeeee!!! I got some Starbucks cards (always a hit with me) and

Hudson and Landry Frontier Christmas

A great old routine from a comedy troop I remember from when I was a wee lad. Listen to the end, it is nice!

Santas Letters

Take some time out of your Christmas for some Letters that Santa decided to answer, after he was half in the bag... deer santa: I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer. Yer Frend, BiLLy Dear Billy, Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care. How about I send you a frigging book so you can learn to read and write? I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least HE can spell! Santa Dear Santa, I have been a good girl all year, and the only thing I ask for is peace and joy in the world for everybody! Love, Sarah Dear Sarah, Your parents smoked pot when they had you, didn't they? Santa Dear Santa, I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I'd like for my mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do. Love, Teddy Dear Teddy, Look, your dad's banging the babysitter like a screen door in a hurricane. Do you think he's gonna give that up to come back to your frigid, fat mom, who rid

Merry Christmas all my Blogger Buddies!!

Like most of you, I won't be paying too much attention to the Internettubes over the next few days. But I wanted to leave you with something special, something that is from my childhood that speaks to me about the true meaning of Christmas. Color me all nostalgic, but there is something magical about Christmas. Peace on Earth, presents exchanged, family together, it all just rocks. There are many Christmas carols out there that try and capture what all this means, and some are good, while others are not so great. But to really feel the spirit of Christmas, you have to go back to the days of childhood innocence, and bugging mom and dad for yet another quarter to put into the jukebox at the local cafe and playing this song 3 more times in a row... For the 5th consecutive time... Yes, true Christmas has only been successfully captured in song by Wait for it... The Royal Guardsmen!! Yeah, I said it. The former "super group", the Royal Guardsmen!!! Drink it all in people,


Finding it hard to choose? Don't worry, because all of these outfits are available at Wal-Mart! Happy Holidays!!

Childhood toys part 3

Mnmom from Happy to be from Iowa is doing a series of posts of some of her best childhood gifts, so I thought I would play along. Following on the heels of the Big Bruiser tow truck came an even bigger and better toy, the Big Job Dump Truck!! This thing was huge, you could fit a small sized Labrador retriever in the bed of this monster (not that I tried or anything, that would have been cruel to our poor dog). Since this dump truck came along after the tow truck, I was surprised that I didn't find an old commercial for it on youtube. But I did find a demo for it from a guy who is a big fan of the toy, and has a video. Sorry, embedding is disabled, but clicky on over... Here is a picture:

Jib Jab Merry Christmas

Delightfully twisted, kind of like me!!

Can Santa Be Black?

The Lady who doesn't lunch had a great post recalling Christmas with her kid sister. Check it out, it is wonderful and hits home to those of us with children that have special needs. I tried to reply to her with one of my favorite Christmas stories, but it was too large for the comments section. So I am posting it here. Merry Christmas everyone. Can Santa Be Black? Copyright © B.J. Wrights It happened in the kindergarten class, Right at the table where they were having snack. Joanie asked the question and they all sat back: "Mr. Slater? Can Santa Claus be black?" Poor Mr. Slater didn't know what to say, Christmas vacation was twenty days away. There were snowflakes to cut and Window wreaths to be hung, Christmas cards to be painted, And Christmas songs to be sung. He hadn't time to think What Christmas was about, In twenty more days, School would be out! Why couldn't they wait And ask their questions then, When mommies and daddies Were home to answer them?

More Running!

I had quite a few remarks off of blogger about the last post on the Wild West relay, so I thought I would load up the slide show for the Colorado relay from the year before. Kevin did a bunch of small snippets of songs for this one, and I like it better. This one also has some scenery that is very cool, higher mountains, steeper trails, and SNOW!!

Chidhood Toys part 2

Mnmom from Happy to be from Iowa is doing a series of posts of some of her best childhood gifts, so I thought I would play along. This next one was a set of toys that fed into my mania for all things space related. Major Matt Mason! Space explorer! The moon crawler thing was really pretty cool because it would go over anything, including the poor dog.

2 Vans, 12 People, 36 legs, 200 Miles!

My wife, Kathy, has run with the same core group of people for about 5 years now. They got together to form a relay team when they heard about the Wild West Relay . This relay goes from Fort Collins Colorado to Steamboat Springs Colorado, traveling mostly on small side roads and even cattle roads. They go all the way up into Wyoming for a leg, before dropping back into Colorado for the finish. Kathy has also run with the same group in the Colorado relay, which goes from Georgetown Colorado over to Glenwood Springs, Colorado. That one is longer, and has more altitude to deal with, but the team likes the Wild West better because it goes over less traveled roads. Their team name is "It's Only A Flesh Wound", and they are one of the better masters teams in the races. Last year they finished second in the Wild West! One of the team members was Skylers 6th grade principal, and he is a great guy. He is one of the few who believed in Skyler when we were in school, and he ma

Childhood toys

Mnmom from Happy to be from Iowa is doing a series of posts of some of her best childhood gifts, so I thought I would play along. Through the wonders of the internettubes, you can actually find some old toys from back in the days of my youth. Just after the bronze age I believe... There was one toy tow truck I remember called Big Bruiser that I just loved. It was huge! It came with a truck that had a snap on flat tire, and a snap on crumpled fender. You could hook it up and tow it around, pretty cool stuff for a little kid back then. I snagged this image from Ebay, where they wanted 79 bucks for it, and there was a bid on another in the original box for 188 bucks - insane!! Check out the commercial for it:

Monday Morning Madness presents:

Back Fat, the musical. No? Not catchy enough? Ok, how about: Back breasts, or how I learned to wear a bra the other way. Still no good? Hmmm, picky audience this morning... I've got it! Who is the favorite cell mate in prison! Yeah, that's it!! What in holy hell is going on with these people? And last but certainly not least, I didn't know whether to put hm in here or wait until Bat tat Tuesday...

Little kid plays I'm Yours on a Ukelele

This is so damn cute I will overlook his complete lack of vocals. Check out all of his facial expressions! Kid Plays Im Yours On Ukelele - Watch more Funny Videos

This may have been the best thing I have seen on SNL in years!

Brought to you by Vagisil!!

We Interrupt Bad Tat Tuesday for an Important Announcement!

I am a winner! Wheeee, I never get the right numbers on lotto tickets, or pick the right dog at the track, or bribe the right NBA official so my team wins. So imagine my surprise when Jeanne over at The Raisin Chronicles told me I was a winner!! That's right folks, your old buddy Sky-Dad pulled in the prestigious From Me To You award: Ain't she a beauty? With this award comes great responsibility, namely answering questions on a meme. The original was "7 Things You Don't Know About Me", but Jeannie has improved upon this and changed it to "7 Things That Are Hard To Do". I like this version more since I have already answered several questions about myself, and I am sure that the rest of blogdom out there is tired of hearing about my one extra long pubic hair... So here we go with 7 things that are hard to do: 1) Since it's Christmas season and I will be soon starting to do this, I will say wrapping presents. Unless my gift comes in a perfectly sq

It's Monday Morning Madness

Where we take pause to celebrate the little things (or large things) in life that make us scratch and wonder what the hell?... Look at the size of that damn snake! he he he... Food chain (updated version) I seem to fly next to this dude every time I get on a plane! I have questions like this also... Best diagram ever! Just let him sniff you, he won't hurt you! He's just a big softy... My personnel favorite Craigs list ad of all time! Old joke on a sign. More Engrish! Yeah, I know this was hastily put together and follows no pattern. Oh well, better luck next time.