To paraphrase Hugh Laurie and his acceptance speech... I am a winner, so it seems! Our good friend Hot Lemon over at With a Twist of Lemon, has been gracious enough to bestow upon me and others an Arte. That is, the Arte y Pico award for blogs. Didn't know there was such an award? Well you are not alone. I had no idea either, but I am still quite overwhelmed by the whole thing, somewhat ferklemped, talk amongst yourselves... OK, I have composed myself. Here is the skinny on the award, stolen from Mr Lemon himself, since he writes so eloquently and I am a master at the cut and paste function: The origin of the Arte y Pico Award: "This prize has arisen from the daily visits that I dedicate to many blogs which nourish me and enrich me with creativity. In them, I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain me day to day and to share this prize with those who enrich me every day.