
Showing posts from December, 2014


The post where he gets lazy and breaks out the Christmas Card

Hi there all of my friends who used to read this lonely space!  Our good friend Scope is hosting Cyber Monday to see if all of us folks who used to blog regularly will check in.  So I decided to have a go at it. The holiday season is upon us, and because of that I have decided to share our Christmas card with you in order to bring you all up to date on our 2014. I have been extremely fortunate to have dodged several lay-offs at my company, and have lost a lot of close friends from work.  The stress has been killer, but I count my fortunes and keep taking it one day at a time.  I am far more lucky than most. We decided to participate in Black Friday by getting a new car.  My old Volvo had a laundry list of things wrong with it that added up into the thousands, so we bit the bullet and bought a new Honda CRV.  It is really sweet! There just isn't much going on at Casa Del Hull, so I just want to wish you all a wonderful 2015 and a great life! Thanks, Chris