Jealous much?
You are all going to be soooo envious of me, because yesterday when I opened up the mailbox looky at what was waiting for Sky-dad! A wonderful bit of correspondence from none other than Gwen from Everything I Like Causes Cancer
Breathe in it's awesomeness:

I love, love, loved it Gwen! Thanks so very much! But then, after contemplating on the card for awhile, I started thinking about poor Earl. So went to the basement and fired up the WOPR computer (pronounced whopper) that I purchased from NORAD cause I am fond of cheesy sci-fi with computers that go hummmm and have lots of lights, but that's another story altogether, and started searching for Earl's other cousin.

Let's just say that perhaps Earl made the right choice...
Breathe in it's awesomeness:

I love, love, loved it Gwen! Thanks so very much! But then, after contemplating on the card for awhile, I started thinking about poor Earl. So went to the basement and fired up the WOPR computer (pronounced whopper) that I purchased from NORAD cause I am fond of cheesy sci-fi with computers that go hummmm and have lots of lights, but that's another story altogether, and started searching for Earl's other cousin.

Let's just say that perhaps Earl made the right choice...

Not knowing anything about this, I would classify that top one as family pic taken in church, circa 1979. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteI think the pic of Earls cousin was the inspiration of the inspiration for "Earl Had to Die"
ReplyDeleteShe is HOTT!
ReplyDeleteIs that chick Courtney Love?
ReplyDeleteYou ran into that in the basement and lived to tell us about it? You must be wily. Well done.
ReplyDeleteI dunno-- I lived at Possum Lodge for 7 months and most of the wimmin-folken looked like the other cousin while their mums looked like the first.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am so breathing in the awesomeness, Sky Dad. *ahhhh*
ReplyDeleteAnd, yeaaaahhh, I think Earl DID make the right choice. Go Earl!
When did you find this picture of my sister Alicia? I know where this picture was taken. On my Uncle Warren's farm near the back feed lot. I know because it was her turn to help butcher the cows. She is scantily clad because she didn't want to get blood stains on her clothes. I wasn't in any of the photos that day because it was my turn to ring the necks of the chickens and was covered in feathers and bleeding peck marks. Where on earth did you ever find this picture?
ReplyDeleteSeriously. Where did you find this?
I got my letter too.
ReplyDeleteWasn't it great getting the topless pictures too?
(looking at list of people that got the topless pictures)
Uh...gotta go.
Do they have teefs? I love a gal with teefs.
ReplyDeleteI liked your post about the answering machine. I had not really pondered that folks do not leave voice messages anymore. I know I don't. Like your funny pics!
ReplyDeleteEarl had a choice?
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up!
Gwennie is spreading her love all over the bloggersphere today!
Come on over and show her your support!
Thanks everyone, you all are too funny. And special thanks to GWEN, I just love this!!
ReplyDeleteHi SkylersDad! Everytime I see your name pop up on another blog's comments I pause. I'm Skyler's Mom. he he. You don't see the name often. Love it.
ReplyDeleteThe jealousy is overcoming me. For serious. Mostly just because I've never been lucky enough to have my own glamour shot taken.