Bad Tat Tuesday!

Hey boys and girls!  I have had some nice tats come my way so I thought it was about time to share.  Break out the eye bleach, keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times.

And remember, no wagering!

First up from my friend Cindy:

This is actually very nice work!  I just don't know who wants to go through the rest of their life with this.

Next up, from my buddy Scotland comes a girl who will never, ever, get a job:

This one was a submission from Awkward Family Photos.  I don't think it is actually a tat, but maybe a temp drawing.  Because once that baby is squeezed out, then what are you left with?

This one was from giant robot, and satisfies this weeks need for geek.  I present to you the Flux Capacitor!

And last but not least, a dick sucker.  Not just any dick sucker, but the #1 dick sucka!


  1. Oh wow, the last one is so much # 1 fail I don't know what to do with myself... Except go bleach my eyes ~ if that'll help, I'm not sure.

    1. And prominently displayed at that! The rest of the family is so proud.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Dick Sucka, didn't he used to sell tractors out near Brainerd back in the '70s?

  3. I hope that Dick Sucka married well, or that the whole "sucking" thing is lucrative, because she's not ever, ever getting a job that normal human beings have either.

    1. I agree WM. Or she would have to wear high collars the rest of her office life.

  4. I'm really trying to come up with something here, but words are failing me at the moment

  5. I agree the first one is great work, though bizarre.

    But WTF!!! was that woman with 'dick sucka' tatted onto her chest THINKING?
    Did they hold her down and tat her forcibly??
    Did she allow an ex-boyfriend near her with a tat gun?
    Just... wtf?

    1. That one is the tat of all time as far as this blog keeper is concerned!

  6. It takes a lot to render me speechless but dick sucker? Really? She should get together with the chick who had "filthy cunt" across her chest. GROSS! But hilarious.

    1. They could be tandem strippers Veggie!!

  7. Cut it out. Seriously?

    Number one is bat shit crazy, and Dick suka?
    there is no better way to tell the world that she is not worthy.

    1. The first one looks so amazing that I kind of had trouble believing it was real.

  8. Replies
    1. Glad I could help your day out Cora... ;^)


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