Once upon a time my life was my own

Hi there fellow blogger, or should I say fellow slacking bloggers.  Scope has declared that today be the day we try and jumpstart some of these old electronic bits and pieces and see if we cant all reconnect.  And who am I to deny Scope anything?  Just remember, red is positive and black is negative.

As with many of you, the siren song of Facebook with its easy likes and links has sucked a lot of my time away from blogging.  It is easy to quickly share a quick update or a story, but I do sometimes miss the long narrative of blogging.

But the majority of my time lately seems to be divided between taking care of my son Skyler, who I kind of started this whole thing for, and the extra stress of a job that seems to want to get rid of me.  Perhaps I can do a better job of writing down my thoughts in the next post, but for right now I am exhausted, can't see straight, and just wanted to say hi to old friends and new.

Big bloggy hugs and kisses to you all.

Skydad (aka Chris)


  1. I try to stay connected...I was booking a trip yesterday on tripadvisor.com and I was looking at hotels. One of the places I looked at said that Chris Hull was friends with a person who positively reviewed this location. I figured it it was good enough for a friend of Chris Hull's, it was good enough for me. Hows that for staying connected???

  2. *kissy faces* Wait. This is public? Other people can see me making eyes at you?

    I'm...I'm so embarrassed. Ish.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wish I could magically grant you an adequate chunk of time with no stress, no obligations, and the chance to sleep as long as you damn-well please. Unfortunately, my powers are limited to the enhanced ability to annoy others. Give 'em hell, S.D.!

  5. I stubbornly refuse to accept the obvious, so I keep blogging. It may not be the place of close community and vibrant discussion that it once was, but somehow it is still more satisfying than the fast-food of facebook.
    I hope that things are getting better for you. You deserve a break.

  6. I feel you on the exhaustion, dude. Take care of yourself too! :)

  7. I stubbornly refuse to accept the obvious, so I keep blogging. The blogosphere is no longer the place of close community and vibrant discussion that it once was, but it still feels better than the fast-food of facebook.
    I hope things start getting better for you. You deserve a break.

  8. Man, next year when you win the lottery, you'll be sitting there, in your underwears, going "goddamn, I miss stress!" OK, no, you won't. But hey. Wouldn't that almost be nice? Your job NEEDS you!

  9. I'm under Scope's spell today too but I know I've been slacking lately. Hopefully 2014 is better for ALL of us!!!

    Big, Fat, Sloppy kisses! : D

  10. My only defense of not blogging is laziness and that's a lazy defense even. Go have a nap if you can, you'll feel better.

  11. If I win the lottery, you are so getting a new van. Tricked out and painted in an A-Team motif. With "I pity the fool!" and "Quit your jibber jabber!" sound effects activated from the key fob.

    Not that I've thought of this.

  12. Sometimes life just needs a punch in the face. This sounds like one of those moments. I wish things were going easier for you. :-(

  13. I'm so glad that you decided to post even though time is a precious commodity for you right now. It's a testament to how this little enterprise we've all engaged in makes us feel a bit better.

  14. I'm back to blogging too. Facebook just doesn't allow me to talk enough. Wish I had an anti-stress wand. I'd wave it over us, then over you guys.

  15. I resurrected my blog a month or two ago. I got sooo used to posting drivel on FB and getting 72 comments in an hour, blogging is very much more a waiting game... I feel way more fulfilled when I write a nice good blog post than I do when I blurt out a sentence on FB, but I miss the feedback.

    Also, on Blogger blogs, I can't figure out how to comment as my WordPress self. It confuses me. A lot.


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