Toys for Tots Agrees to Take Jesus Doll

Associated Press reports that the Marine Reserves' Toys for Tots program has decided to accept a donation of Bible-quoting Jesus dolls, reversing course after saying earlier this week that it couldn't take them. Earlier this week, the program declined a suburban Los Angeles company's offer to donate 4,000 of the foot-tall talking dolls. The battery-powered Jesus is one of several Bible-based dolls manufactured by one2believe, a division of the Valencia-based Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Co.

I think they should go one step further and use the whole action figure set!

Yeah, yeah, I know... It's the rocket sled to hell for finding this funny...


  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    That was hysterical! (Both the post and the video) I guess I'll see you in hell. That rocket slide sounds like quite a ride, though. The eternal coaster ride, so to speak.


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