Captains log: Vacation, Day 1

Lawn mowed? Check

Outside cleaned up? Check

House cleaned up? Check

Cleaned up Futon bed for Skylers cousin Kirsten and fixed up my office as her room? Check

All the junk that usually lays around put away? Not so much...

Organized for Skylers graduation Party? Not by a long shot!

Wait a minute... What's that on the carpet over there. And there! And in every room!!

Blood stains... My fucking god, our new dog Montana, who we were told hasn't gone into heat for years so was never fixed is going into heat and leaving little blood stains around.

Perfect. With the whole damn family coming to town.

(pounding my head on the wall...)


  1. Another reason to like cats ;-)

  2. I send you moral support, JCH. And congratulations to Skyler _and_ his parents.

  3. Ugh. It's a bitch being a bitch. Nuff said.

  4. Even when you think you have everything under control, you should know that there's no such thing. ; )

  5. UUUUGH! ICK! Sorry!

  6. Just leave a hatchet in every room nearest the stains. Nobody'll ask anybody anything.

  7. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I'll share a sympathy story with you. I had friends come over and as soon as they walked in the door, my dog picked that time to scoot his butt across the nice carpet leaving a trail in his wake. On the bright side...well...there was no bright side.

  8. We had similar days. At least there was no family around to see my shame...

  9. all the more reason not to have a dog.

  10. What a bitch!

    Hey, hey, the big man's going to graduate! What a proud day for you.

    Congrats to Skyler and his family!

  11. Go and buy some Doggie pads


  12. oh NO!

    And...Skyler's graduating!? That's awesome!! Congratulations :)

    Good luck with the party and your new dog!

  13. Just wait till you've got a lovely litter of tiny mongrels to entertain you.

    The days will just fly by!

  14. wait-- you're WORKING on your day off?? CLEANING??

  15. ShamWoW and OxyClean. cleans those suckers right up!

  16. Montana, I know how you feel, bish.

  17. maybe you should have gotten Idaho instead of montana


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