It's Snowtime!

Lot's of snow dumping on us today and tomorrow, the forecast calls for 6-10 inches here in the metro area and 1-2 feet in the mountains. My sister still lives up in Idaho Springs and they are getting killed!

Just got back in from shoveling and walking the dogs:


  1. Glad it's you and not me!

  2. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Honestly, the leaves haven't even fully turned yet here. I also wore sandals today. And no coat.

  3. Chris, it seems like just yesterday that you posted the video of "dog day afternoon" at your pool. I can't believe you're getting snow already. It really is beautiful though.

  4. I'm getting OUTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!

  5. So, Summer is over then?


  6. I love snow, but that might be a bit much and a bit early for me.

  7. I too love snow, and a good snowy day. But only between Thanksgiving and Easter. Outside that is just wrong.

  8. Anonymous11:50 PM

    yeah, better you than me, drive in, play in it and drive home and away from it

  9. Fun, fun snowfall for the doggies!

  10. The four legged creature is absolutely magnificent...

    The snow?? NO, please make it go away!!

  11. What was your dog doing with it's head buried in the snow?

  12. Seriously, I don't even want to think about snow yet. There's been plenty of shitty rain lately.

  13. You should totally be building a couple of snow-dogs! And maybe a snow monkey for me, OK?

  14. Anonymous5:01 PM

    i can hear the sounds and smell it

    thank god i don't have to be in it!!

    you have fun with that


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