Oddly enough, this is how my wife and I greet out in public

My buddy Tim sent this to me, and of course I have to share it with you all...

IN LUST from Eric Wareheim on Vimeo.


  1. I should try that

  2. That's a sad type of relationship, isn't it?

  3. LA Fitness, huh?
    They seem more like Y people. :)

    Peace - Rene

  4. You must spend an awful lot of time dizzy and breatheless, not to mention your wife is a hell of a woman!


  5. That's a pretty specific fetish they've got going on there.

    I'll stick to getting naked on the bus whilst singing Antoher One Bites The Dust and swinging nun-chucks made of pepparamis at passing ladies.

    There's always a bus.

  6. If the Ball n' Chain™ tried to greet me that way..the poor sot would have a couple of blown discs I think. ;p

  7. Even when we were that young and passionate, we were never that athletic!

  8. I'm going to see if I can get my neighbor to greet me that way. Not sure she'll go for it, but it's worth a try.

  9. WTF man, that is hilarious! how'd you know thats how diane and i greet in public, too? of course once i'm airborn and come a flyin at her, i knock her over flat to the ground cuz i weight 5oo pounds and then get to laughin so hard i pee on her.... but ya know, a lil variety never hurt anyone....

    great post!


  10. Does Skyler cry?


  11. Hey, I recognize here. Isn't she the model for the inflatable doll? I am sure that is what ours looks like when we fling it around. UT-OH.....Did I say we own one?????

    HUMMMMMMMM.....think it is time to let the air out of her.

  12. I hope she took a shower. But, then again, he looks like the kind of guy who doesn't care.

  13. I would kill my husband, or at the very least seriously injure him. I can't even sit on his lap without him whining like a 3-year-old.

  14. Hmm. Makes my greetings with Scope in the airports look almost prudish.

    Thank God.

  15. punkhair2nv@yahoo.vom6:24 PM

    What? Its still a kiss on the lips?


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