Pet Peeves

Any of the readers of this little corner of the electronic world know of my extreme dislike of tools parking in the handicapped places who don't need them.  That has been well established, probably so much so that I am on several watch lists.

But today let's talk about peeve number two, people who are habitually late to arrive at things.

I am not talking about a couple of minutes late, or the folks who will text to you say traffic is bad, give me an extra 15 or so.  Everybody has things that happen to them and we all adapt and move on.

I am talking about the people who arrive an hour late or more to parties, dinners, whatever, and always blow it off with statements like "Oh you know me, always fashionably late".  Or the even more irritating "I just work on time!"

This makes me insane, it is like these ass-hats are proud of the fact that they make everybody else wait on them.  And the ultimate sign of disrespect is when they seem a tad offended when the others have already started dinner.  "What?  Everybody is done already?  Couldn't you wait?"

I always feel like getting up and slapping them to wake them the fuck up!  The world doesn't revolve around you sweetheart, the sun doesn't rise and set in your asshole.

All these people are really saying is that their time is just so much more important than yours.


  1. Around here we have kind of a "thing" - maybe it's a little racist - we call Navajo time. The 'running gag' is that all Navajo people are at least an hour late to anything, so you should tell them to show up an hour before that and expect them to still be an hour late.

    The thing is, it's not so much a joke. People that have lived here a while say it's "part of the culture" and to "get used to it". I thought "yeah, right", until I worked as a manager and wrote a schedule. The first 'native' person I hired showed up an hour late on her first day.

    It really is part of the culture here.


    1. I saw the same thing in Hawaii from the natives when I was stationed at Pearl.

  2. I had a family member who was also at least an hour or more late all the time. So we just told her an hour early on all times from then on. Also if she did not show on time we continued on without her. I felt that if she did not care enough to be on time (as this was her constant habit) I did not care if she was included. After that my stress about her lessened overnight.

    1. Good for you Lenore, I wish I could let go like that.

  3. I hate that too! My dad has never been on time for anything in his life! Now that he's older and has to rely on the family to take him places, he's 'getting' what a pain it is. Several of my sibs learned to be late because of him. I try to be obnoxiously early. Sat in my car for 20 minutes once because of it.

    1. We are alike that way JJ, I am the one always a bit early.

  4. I dated a gal who ran on "Michelle time". I swear she wouldn't start getting ready until I showed up, which meant that I got to spend a lot of time hanging out with her mom & dad.

    Big fun.

    1. That's some real quality time there Scope! Did dad sit there cleaning his shotgun?

  5. That really bothers me too, people always arriving late. Worst thing is when they crave others should be on time when the tables are turned - because then, if you're not on time, you're just "So rude". Fuck off already.

    1. More of that "I am more important than you" attitude!

  6. Anonymous8:18 AM

    There's no real excuse for people who are consistently an hour or more late, other than selfishness. I don't even bother doing the "invite them an hour earlier than everyone else," thing any more. If I invite someone to a dinner party and they want to be stylishly late, they can help themselves to some leftover bread, if there is any.

    1. Good for you Brewella! I don't try and compensate for their lateness anymore either. The invitation was for 7? Show up at 7 or forage for sustenance elsewhere.

  7. OH, HOLY COW! I feel your pain. Back when I lived in WA, there was a certain person I *had to* invite to all my kid's birthday parties, but each and every year, he'd come strolling in late (like an hour late!) and then be bent out of shape that the party had started without him.... As if I'm supposed to have a whole room full of five year olds sit on the couch, waiting for an hour for some lone adult to feel like finally showing up at God knows what time. Seriously. If you want to experience the whole shindig, then effing make the effort to be there on time! Jeeeeeeez.

    1. I am so glad you don't have to do that crap anymore!

  8. Good for you, for starting dinner without them! Just because some people have unabashed entitlement issues when it comes to time management, doesn't mean we have to accommodate them.

    1. Absolutely Barbara, I have to start being a lot tougher in other aspects of my life also. I let people walk on me.

  9. oh hell yes on both these things. I'm not handicapped and even I get irate when some dickwad in an SUV decides to park in the handicapped space because they're too lazy to walk a little further to the store. screw YOU lazy guy. I have been known to yell things.

    Also I'm on time always unless something unexpected happens then I'm a mess worrying about being late, haha. I hate waiting for people. Hate it. My sister is the worst. one day I will answer her giggling lateness with a swift left hook. because I'm violent like that. (not really)

    1. I always knew you wee one of the good ones Veggie. Mean left hook and all.

  10. My family is sooo guilty of this. Not me or my dad but the rest of them. It is so annoying.

    1. Isn't it though Raine? Like I was saying, it seems like they just believe their time is so much more important.

  11. This is my biggest pet peeve as well. No, peeve doesn't do it justice; it infuriates me. It is the ultimate disrespect, telling me that my time isn't important. One of my brothers has done this all his life. Seriously-- you're smart enough to get a PhD in Physics, but can't tell time? I got in the habit of lying to him, telling him to meet me an hour before the actual time. And he was still usually late.

    1. I hate having to tell people the wrong time just so they might show up close to on time. I have just started going on without them. Maybe they will get the hint!

  12. Found your blog through someone else that I can't quite remember now, but YES on the lateness thing. I hate this.

    My mother is the worst. When I was a child, she left me waiting so many places - after school sports practice, I'd be sitting on the curb in front of the school waiting for literally hours sometimes. She left me at my piano teacher's home for an hour or two after the lesson ended. I was always so embarrassed because the teacher would be starting dinner for her family, etc. and I was sitting there waiting.

    My mother cannot understand the concept that if other people come to you and begin talking or whatever and you must leave so you can be on time, you tell them "I'm sorry, I have to go, let's catch up later." You don't accommodate the person in front of you and leave someone else waiting. It's rude.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Lawfrog, nice to meet you!

      Leaving you to wait is a whole other aspect of this I had not considered. To me, that is worse than people showing up late at an event.

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