Off to the hospital on Tuesday

I won't be around for a couple of days, we are going to Children's Hospital first thing in the morning for surgery on Skyler.
He is going to have a G-Tube inserted into his stomach. This is so we can provide him with extra nutrition and get some weight on him. He is pretty skinny because it takes so much work for him to eat. And he will need some more weight on him before his surgery in November to straighten his spine.
So, see you all on the other side, and we will take all the good vibes/well wishes you all have to spare!
You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck and my prayers are with you and the family.
ReplyDeleteOur prayers and love are here for all of you. Chuck and I love you all very much
ReplyDeleteHere's all my good vibin' and positive thinkin'. I hope everything goes according to plan.
ReplyDeleteI will be thinking about you. You are far stronger than I would be in that situation...I hope everything goes well.
ReplyDeleteHang in there and throw my prayers on the pile too!
ReplyDeleteGood vibes headed your way right now!
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and the Sky, baby.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you and yours.
ReplyDeletegood luck
ReplyDeleteDo you have your own parking space down there at Children's?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I'll be thinking abouit you and the fam. Let me know if you need anything. I can be there lickity split.
watch this before you go and it'll make you laff when you're waiting for Sky to come out o' surgery:
the good news is that, while invasive, this sort of thing is done all the time and is relatively simple. Don't be surprised when he asks you to throw a pizza and beer in the blender for him at 1 AM!!
here's another-- practical advice for us all, I'd say...
meanwhile, Sky's boobs aren't as big as in that picture, are they??
My thoughts are with you guys!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure everything will go smoothly, and good luck anyway!
ReplyDeletePositive energy, prayers,are being sent to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteThank you all, it feels nice to know that so many of you out there care.