Santa is getting surly!

Timmy writes:

Dear Santa,
Please send me a baby brother.

Santa writes back:

Sure kid,

Send me your mother...


  1. That's the best "Dear Santa" punchine I've heard in a while

    Thanks for the LOL

  2. Ha ha ha! I'm soooo gonna steal this from you and use it at our Xmas party. (sorry).

  3. "...and I'll fill her with Christmas joy."

  4. oh Santa! you are going on the naughty list

  5. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Ha! Ha! That's too funny. Hey wait a minute?! I always wondered why my brother had grey hair and a beard at age 7. I'm going to call my mom right now.

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Nice one.


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