Couger Barbie Updated!!

Funniest thing I have seen in some time!

One of my old friends sent this to me after reading this post, reminding me about Barbies friend Rebbecca, who winds up in a wheelchair...

OK, this is sick, and since I have a son in a chair, why the hell am I posting this update? Because like I told Grant, I have decided to give up the remaining shreds of my dignity for Lent!


  1. Evil Lieutenant Skyler's Dad: For your years of service and frequent first comments, you have now been promoted to Level 1 Operative. Do not let me down.

    (If you have Cougar Barbie's address, please let me know.)

  2. I kept waiting for a drunken G.I. Joe to show up and kick some college kid butt before mounting his old flame. Then they would drink a bottle of rum and go wreck her pink car.

    Funny as always.


  3. Oh really, you are the funniest man ever!!

    I wrote a post on Cougarology a few months back. This is a term I have a serious problem with. Man, is this what women have to look forward to after 50? Horny women? Oh the horror!

    But THIS was fricken hilarious.

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Ha! Now there's one thing I don't miss about hanging around public schools, the MILFs and the moms who thought they were MILFs.

  5. has lent started all ready???

  6. Anonymous11:56 AM

    This was FUNNY!!

  7. I sure hope my computer works when I get home.. I have had troublews since last night. Something tells me I shouldn't be watching these here at work!

  8. Man, it reminds me of the puppet sex scene in _Team America_. Though it's a bit disturbing.

    I wanna be a MILF when I grow up.

  9. Umm yeah..disturbing.

    I bet NO one buys the Ben Barbie. EVER!

  10. What's the male version of a Cougar? Oh yeah-- dirty old man.

    You may recall that we had an actual cougar in our neck of the woods-- in the middle of Chicago.

  11. BTW, I've given up temperance and abstinence for Lent.

  12. You are a delightfuly sick and twisted man! Bless your heart!

    But the guy who made this video is disturbed!


  13. There are no words... OMG I can't stop laughing!

  14. The boobs hitting the floor just about killed me...


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