Men Explained

The lady who doesn't lunch has a wonderful post today about her dear husband not listening to her. I believe this may have been because men's brain's are wired slightly different than women's. I know, I know, you are all thinking "What does Sky-Dad know about any of this? Well I leaned everything I need to know on the subject from Mark Gungor, who has a DVD seminar called "Laugh your way to a better marriage". Here are two clips from it, enjoy!


  1. This guy has it all figured out! I love how he made the cross before he got to the woman's brain.

    My hubby has been visiting his "nothing box" all day. He has been fishing!

    He's hilarious. I haven't watched the sex drive one yet but I am scared

  2. Oh That one was hilarious too. I was scared he was gonna talk about what bitches women can be when we don't want it

  3. So many box little time. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I love that guy!

  5. Sky Dad, those are hilarious! Hee hee.

  6. He knows all our secrets. He must be killed.

  7. I'd say something witty but I'm in my Nuthin' Box.

    Actually, where was this advice about 5 months ago when I moved into the Manour and attempted to FIX all of Spooky's problems?! I've STILL got bruises! (just kiddin!!)


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