Important notice from Sky-Dad

It has come to my attention that my followers dropped recently from 39 to 38, just as I was hoping to have a big blow out party for #40. The staff here at Some days its not worth chewing through the leather straps always follows demographics closely, and wishes to understand the drop in readership.

Was it:

1. Bad tat series was in bad taste
2. Bad tat series didn't show enough "fun regions"
3. Couger Barbie just made me way too uncomfortable
4. Wheelchair Rebbecca gave me the willys
5. I didn't post Ben's number from Wheelchair Rebbecca
6. You are a sick, demonic perverted monster Sky-Dad

The staff thanks you for leaving your vote in the comments section, and an optional essay on why I should only stick to my usual clean, wholesome christian stories.


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Not it!!!

    I'm betting it was someone who didn't make that update on their blogger to make sure they weren't "following anonymously". Hopefully they'll be back soon!

  2. I wasn't me. Hell, I just figured out how to sign up as a follower and joined. For what it's worth, yours is the only one I've signed up for so far.

    Gosh, I hope nobody died, as that is the only way I could see someone "unsubscribing".


  3. I don't really follow blogs, but I signed on here because I like parties!

  4. HMMM it twas not I and as such I can not provide you with the answers you need... besides those wimpy punks can go take a flying leap!

  5. It has to do with Google's update to the "follower" widget -- see here for explanation:

    Don't worry. We all still love you, SkyDad!

  6. Nope wasn't me...I have enjoyed reading your excellent clean moral christian posts for just a tad over 1 year......when you find out who it was...tell us and we will stone that person......becasue that is the biblical thing to do...

    ( is that how biblical is spelled?)

  7. Sky Dad, it was Blogger. We all lost followers the other day. I lost three in a matter of five minutes, and then I found out Vodka Mom lost a bunch, Clever Girl lost about 50 (!!!), Sass lost some and Scope did too all around the same time I lost mine. Blogger was updating the follower widget and messed it up.

    In a nut shell, Sky Dad, it's not YOU. We love you! :-)

  8. Okay, I just read LegalMist's comment and saw I pretty much repeated what you already knew! Whoops! But it's still true!

  9. Darn, I was kind of hoping for more #6 choices... ;^)

  10. There. Now you've got 40. You're welcome. :) Now you can quit your whining and get back to posting the wonderfully wacky shit you find on the internet.

  11. 38? 39? 40?

    Dude, I have one follower and she's my boyfriend's daughter. Her readership is greatly appreciated.

  12. you didn't post cougar Barbie's #, either!!

    'tweren't me!! I've been off da' net all month!!

  13. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I have enough trouble thinking of things to post about without having to deal with following and managing my own followers. Just think of the as The Follower Who Shall Not Be Listed.

  14. Well you already know there was a tech issue. But the GOOD thing is all of your whining has gained you more readers YAY!

    Off to FINALLY watch the barbie videos

  15. I still have to get on this whole "following" thing. All my blog friends want to bitch about how I don't "follow" them, but clearly don't appreciate that it takes much more time and dedication to go through my entire ginormous blogroll manually, clicking away and hoping they've written a new post.

  16. Anonymous2:12 PM

    You are kinda sick dude, but thats why I read you!!!!!

  17. What Cora said, I lost two followers and got them back two days later. Give it a few days, but forget the droppers if they don't like a change-up here and there. Silly stuff is the variety of blogging life.

  18. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I'm thinking it's the crappy finger foods you serve. I mean Spam on crackers? No bacon? No cheez wiz? Really?

  19. I confess. It was me. I have found my calling and will from this moment on only read the "truth" as portrayed by the most intelligent man on earth and as all you right thinking people realize that must be James Dodson.
    As your beloved sister, I will try to help you see the error of your ways and find the correct path for your life to follow.
    May you walk in the path of the Angels (Los Angeles) and avoid the Devils (New Jersey)

    Sister Sandi

  20. I'm still here! (Though I can't seem to get more than 13 people to read MY blog... Of course, yours is, you know, entertaining and stuff...)

  21. I only have 10 followers, but my philosophy is to "write like everyone's following", which is admittedly only once every couple of weeks.


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