Cereal Mascot Therapy Session

Let's stop in and see how all of our favorite commercial characters are doing with their "issues", shall we?


  1. Count Chocula is my hero.

  2. Capt. Crunch is a real potty mouth.

  3. I always suspected Cap'n Crunch was kind of a jerk.

  4. SG: Thanks buddy!

    Cora: I think we all look up to him.

    Diane and MNmom: I really think that the Captain would cut a bitch!

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I loved all those cereals. I wonder why when we grow up we stop eating them. I guess being able to read the ingredients might have something to do with that.

  6. No wonder they're all in therapy-a bunch of sugar pushers is all they are.

  7. Thi was sooooooooooo funny. I love the frosted miniwheat. I am saving this video.

    I am so glad you find all the good stuff so our lazy asses don't have to.

  8. This is so unbelievably awesome sauce, I snagged it and posted it today. Don't worry, I linked the hell outta you for it :-)

  9. Ok, I laughed out loud when Tucan Sam bit the blade. Damn funny!


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