What if spammers wrote Cialis advertisements?

I know all it seems like I do is post videos, but I have been getting so many good ones lately!


  1. Reminds me of an old joke:

    Know what women and linoleum have in common?

    Lay 'em right the first time and you can walk all over 'em.


  2. Bwaaa ha ha ha, I am so stealing that Gwen!

  3. I think they should really do commercials like that one, it's just so much more entertaining.

  4. I had something witty to say, but Gwen totally stole my thunder. HILARIOUS.

  5. Ohhh those spammers. So witty. So wise. So thoughtful, looking out for us like they do.... by offering us stupid crap delightfully myssspelld all the damn time. Ya gotta love 'em.

  6. "Wang will feel like wood" Now there is a promise! Have you got the 1-800 number I need to call right now?



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