I know people like this!

I put this up on my Facebook account but it deserves more airtime. Thank to my buddy Tim for forwarding it to me!

Old People News


  1. The Joys of Peroxide were really useful tips.

  2. ...and this one will go to my in-laws. I need to get a life.

  3. This was so funny! And nailed it right on the head with how some old people might take those emails seriously.

    "nNever forget 9/11" Then the blanks stare and awkward silence... priceless!

  4. Hilarious! That's my Dad! HAHAHA!

  5. OMG my husband has an uncle just like that. He forwards at least 10 emails everyday!

  6. Ha-larious!

    Shipping this off to my dad...if he can figure out how to open it himself.

  7. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Too funny...as usual!

  8. LOL...love this! Will send to my father immediately.

  9. Oh my dear god. I laughed myself silly. This is so perfect as I have spent much of my summer surrounded by my lovely elderly relatives. Oy.

  10. Thanks all, I thought this was one of the funnier things that has been passed my way.

    And welcome to my new readers Cindy and JennyMac, thanks for dropping in!

  11. oh, dear Lord! This reminds me of the time I replied to a chain email from my mom with a link to snopes that PROVED the allegations in the email were false. Her reply?

    "We all have our opinions."

    I almost fell out of my chair. I should send this to her but she'd ask me to find the channel on her TV.


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